NoticiasInternacionalesTrump’s Mexican wall: Republican Party adopts Trump proposal to...

Trump’s Mexican wall: Republican Party adopts Trump proposal to build Mexico border wall


But a year later, Trump has beaten almost 12 rivals to become the surprise winner of the Republican primary race.
The platform is the final list of campaign promises a candidate and his party vow to fulfill if elected.
The platform shows the way “to make America great and united again,” he added in allusion to Trump’s oft-cited campaign slogan.
The electoral program is “an invitation and a road map” toward a “more prosperous and secure” America,” Senator John Barrasso, the panel’s chairman, said at the end of the conference.
The Republican platform committee held a two-day conference earlier this week in Cleveland where its 112 delegates debated the merits of the program that party members will vote on at the convention that begins Monday.


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