NoticiasInternacionalesCrime in Mexico: Mexican police make arrest in hunt...

Crime in Mexico: Mexican police make arrest in hunt for killers of two priests in Veracruz | In English | EL PAÍS


The murder of the pair in the town of Poza Rica, in Veracruz state, caused shock in Mexico, coming just days after another priest had been murdered in the state of Michoacán.
Police officers accompanied the owner of the car in a search of the area.
An arrest warrant was out on one of the men for kidnapping the two priests“It was soon discovered that there was an arrest warrant out on one of the men for kidnapping the two priests,” said the prosecutor’s office.
The Mexican state attorney’s office has announced the capture of one of two men police were looking for in relation to the murder of two priests, whose bodies were found in the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz in September.
August was the bloodiest month in the country since President Enrique Peña Nieto took office in December 2012.


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