NoticiasInternacionalesUS-Cuba relations: Trump’s victory casts chilly shadow over Cuban...

US-Cuba relations: Trump’s victory casts chilly shadow over Cuban thaw | In English | EL PAÍS


Meanwhile, the Cuban government has issued a neutral message of congratulations to the next president of the United States.
The thaw is at risk,” says Jorge Duany, director of the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University.
The news comes just as the Cuban-American vote had tipped in favor of the Democrats for the first time.
The trouble lies in the fact that nobody knows what the next president’s foreign policy will be.
Today, Trump is the president-elect of the United States, and one of the many unknowns about his future tenure is what his Cuban policy will be.

Fuente original: US-Cuba relations: Trump’s victory casts chilly shadow over Cuban thaw | In English | EL PAÍS

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