NoticiasInternacionalesEl Chapo Guzmán: The lavish lifestyle of ‘El Chapo’...

El Chapo Guzmán: The lavish lifestyle of ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán’s sons


Born and brought up amid the kingpins of the global drugs trade, Alfredo is the youngest of the four children El Chapo had with his first wife.
Over the last decade, as the Mexican army and the DEA closed in on El Chapo, he and his brother Iván were put in charge of his security detail.
The series of attacks against Guzmán’s family in recent months is a clear sign that the family has lost control of the Sinaloa Cartel.
A Facebook page opened in the name of Alfredo shows photographs of piles of dollar bills, sports cars, and gold-plated weapons.
Journalist Anabel Hernández, who has written extensively about Mexico’s cartels, says that Iván Archivaldo has been kidnapped, and not, as the media and the authorities say, Jesús Alfredo.


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