Clash Between Traders and Municipal Police Over Fireworks in Oaxaca de Juárez


Lack of permits sparks confrontation near the Abasto Market

OAXACA, Oax., ( — On the morning of Wednesday, December 28, a confrontation erupted between street vendors of fireworks and members of the Municipal Police in Oaxaca de Juárez. The incident unfolded around 10 a.m. when the Municipal Police attempted to clear rocket vendors from the boulevard adjacent to the Abasto Market.

Unsatisfied with the eviction attempt, vendors confronted the police, initially through shouting and shoving, escalating to the launch of rockets in their possession. The conflict intensified as tear gas canisters were deployed in response.

Subsequently, police officers retreated to nearby streets. Meanwhile, traders chose to block the entrances to the largest market in the capital as a form of protest.

Despite this initial action, approximately half an hour later, vendors decided to open access to the Abasto Market and block the peripheral road in that area.

As of now, municipal authorities in Oaxaca de Juárez have not issued any official communication regarding this incident, highlighting the tension between traders and law enforcement in the city. The confrontation arises amid the holiday season, where fireworks sales are common, but in this case, traders find themselves entangled in a conflict exacerbated by the lack of proper permits.